Research, research consultation and publishing

University of Roehampton ACT-BE-ME Project

Consultant and external research supervisor on a ground-breaking research project involving the University of Roehampton and the charity sector. The project involved trialling a self-guided support programme with weekly email coaching/ encouragement for adolescents using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) skills.

I provided access to this cutting-edge research to Oxford students who are interested in working on their emotional resilience and capacity to change using the brand-new ACT programme. I helped the researcher access the Oxford student population, and I also carried out clinical supervision for the email coaches, to help them work with adolescents remotely with asynchronous email communication from an ACT perspective. I also assissted with feedback on academic writing and preparing the candidate for the viva voce.

Office for Students and Research England

Project managed a £60,000 project in collaboration with Office for Students and Research England with a focus on University of Oxford PGR students, especially PGRs from STEM subjects, to improve wellbeing and resilience in developing Peer Support communities.

The project resulted in the successful recruitment of Peer Supporters from STEM and non-STEM subjects, a comprehensive literature review and a research report. Click here for more information.

Areas of interest

Please contact me if you would a consultation regarding your research project.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Adolescence and adolescent mental health

  • The university experience, especially transitions

  • Emotional resilience

  • Values and meaningful living

  • Clinical presentations of anxiety


Knowlson, TJ & Milton, M (2012). A thematic analysis of Youth Offending Team employees’ experiences of preparing victims to meet the offender. The British Psychological Society. Paper presented at The Division of Counselling Psychology Annual Conference, Leicester, United Kingdom.

Knowlson, TJ & Milton, M (2012). Some of my best friends are psychoanalysts: Reflections on the British Psychoanalytical Council Conference. (January 2012), Psychology of Sexualities Review, 3(1), 65-70. Reflections on the British Psychoanalytical Council Conference on working clinically and ethically with diverse sexual identities.

Knowlson, TJ (2012). Borderline Personality Disorder: Ending with diagnosis. In M. Milton (Ed.), Diagnosis and beyond: Counselling psychology contributions to understanding human distress (pp. 86-101). PCCS Books. An exploration on borderline personality disorder, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, gender bias and some case-study examples. Therapeutic implications are explored around ending therapy.

Knowlson, TJ & Gozna, L (2010). Towards a grounded theory of how victims of crime consider their sense of readiness and preparation for a restorative justice meeting with the offender. The British Psychological Society. Paper presented at the Division of Counselling Psychology Annual Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom.