
University of Oxford Peer Support Programme

  • I manage team of 6 counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists ensuring smooth and consistent delivery of training and supervision sessions

  • The Peer Support Programme was started in the early 1990s

  • The Peer Support Programme is within 36 colleges, 2 departments (Said Business School and NDPH) and the Medical Sciences Division

  • Students are trained in

    • active listening

    • crisis management

    • suicide education

    • diversity and inclusivity

    • assertiveness

    • boundary management and self-care

    • communication styles including verbal and non-verbal communication

    • noticing, exploring and reducing assumptions including stereotypes, especially around seeking support

    • signposting and referral pathways including wellbeing resources

    • the pros and cons of giving advice

  • 23 training groups run over the academic year, providing 552 hours of training to a minimum of 282 students

  • 21 supervision groups run per term, providing 61 hours of supervision to Peer Supporters

  • The Programme runs special groups for students who identify as BAME or BIPOC and LGBTQ++

The importance of Peer Support

Welfare Support at Oxford comprises of many interconnected services including the Peer Support Programme. As students pick routes for support, from the very informal (friends) to the more formal, Peer Support falls somewhere in between and is an important addition to College/ Departmental welfare structures. It provides a complimentary level of support to holistic welfare support at Oxford. The Peer Support Programme fits in with the Universities United Kingdom (UUK) and Student Minds ‘whole institution approach to mental health’.  

Research shows

The benefits of receiving Peer Support 

  • Empowerment: realising the possibility of overcoming stigma and feeling deserving of support

  • Social support: reducing social isolation by engaging with others AND increasing confidence to do so within social circles 

  • Empathy and acceptance: feeling accepted by others through shared empathy 

  • Reducing stigma: many students unlikely to seek support in fear of stigma, makes conversation about MH more accessible

  • Hope and motivation: being able to witness others’ journey in MH can keep person engaged and motivated to pursue recovery 

Research shows

The benefits of giving Peer Support

  • Empowerment and self-esteem: volunteers report an increased sense of confidence and benefit from feeling appreciated, emotional growth

  • Turning difficult experiences into a positive: developing reciprocal relationships allow for mutual support through challenges, developing an understanding of own limits and capabilities

  • Personal development and employability: PS offers comprehensive training and tangible experience in a support role 

Research shows

Student Specific

  • Shared context: experience of very specific student context allows for mutual support with an “insider understanding”

  • Access: making it possible to access support within the day-to-day structure of university life

  • Reducing pressure on university welfare services: PS being an integrative component of welfare, as a first-step/early intervention structure that deals with mild MH needs, creating more space for more complex cases to be seen by professional services 

Coronavirus welfare advice: Virtual support

In this unprecedented and unpredictable time of COVID-19, virtual and remote support is more vital than ever. We can create virtual spaces to connect and support each other appropriately. Social distancing does not always have to equal feeling lonely or isolated.

The lockdown is impacting everyone differently. For some, there could be an increased sense of uncertainty, especially around health, employment, academic work, finances and future plans. This can then in turn result in fluctuations in mood and mental health. People cope in many diverse ways; some might worry for example and feel really stuck in unhelpful thinking patterns. As people need to socially isolate, they can feel more distanced from support networks such as friends and family. This all means that virtual connection is important.

You can do a lot to help! Connect with people in a meaningful way and be prepared to have some courageous conversations. Now is the time to hold each other in mind and to reach out. You can make that social distance a bit smaller. All you need to do is ask ‘how are you?’ and be prepared to listen to how they feel and think.

It can be helpful to explore the personal barriers to having courageous conversations. What gets in the way of us having virtual supportive conversations? There could be fears around getting it wrong, not knowing what to say, feeling powerless to help, or feeling like the Not Good Enough Friend. Whatever gets in the way – notice those thoughts, feelings and physical reactions and do what matters, don’t let those inner experiences get in the way of doing something that is important to you. Reaching out to others.

Think about the timing of the conversation (is there enough time for this conversation, is the timing right for you and them?), and the location (is there privacy and can they speak freely?) Real listening is effortful, takes concentration, takes space and takes time. Think whether this is something you are willing to offer at this moment in time. Notice any understandable tendencies to send solutions, offer fixes or avoid concerns by minimising. Try to listen with empathy, openness and awareness that you don’t need to take responsibility for their problem, you just need to hear it.

Virtual spaces can vary. There could be one-to-one spaces – for more confidential chats. Or group events – which may or may not have a theme or shared activity. Sometimes dancing or moving is more energising than just talking. Vary it, be creative with how you connect.

Supporting others can be really tiring and challenging. It is important to think about your own internal limits and how you express boundaries through assertive communication where suitable and appropriate. Make sure to look after yourself. Be clear with the amount of time you wish to spend on helping or supporting others. Think about where you can refer people, what services are out there? Boundaries are important so you don’t burn out or begin to feel resentful. When setting boundaries, you might feel guilty or selfish – and yet boundaries are vital. Boundaries can be directly and indirectly communicated – you might delay in replying to a message, reduce the amount of talking time, arrange a different time or day to speak or say that you care about them and want them to get support from another service that could help in a more focused way.

Remember that the success of your listening and supporting isn’t the outcome of removing or solving the problem but that you listened and supported fully. We can’t always make someone happy, but we can help someone to feel heard.
— By Dr Timothy Knowlson, University of Oxford Peer Support Programme Manager

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