
  • Corporate Training

  • Lecturing

  • Workshop facilitation

  • Talks

  • Panels

I am passionate about lecturing and giving talks by creating experiential, engaging and informative learning environments. This has taken me to various universities and communities where I convey my topics with humour and a collaborative approach. I have done talks using simultaneous translation, utilising various media and to many different audiences.

Please contact me if you wish to discuss speaking opportunities.

My favourite themes

  • Anxiety, anxiety presentations and overcoming anxiety

  • Imposter Syndrome

  • Resilience

  • Change and adaptability

  • Inclusion and equality

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Mindfulness in everyday life

  • The student experience and student mental health

  • Positive Group Website Link

    Leadership blended learning experience and training provided to:


    The Girls' Day School Trust (GDST)

  • I facilitated an all-day workshop on working clinically with:

    Communication difficulties (working with clients with an Autism Spectrum Condition and working with translators)

    With adolescents

    For PsychD Counselling Psychology students.

    I also marked essays for various modules and subjects related to Counselling Psychology.


  • I facilitated a bespoke afternoon workshop to PsychD Counselling Psychology students on:

    The clinical presentation of anxiety: Assessment, Formulation and Working Clinically with Anxious Distress

    As part of their module on Assessment, Formulation and Clinical Presentations. The workshop was strongly influenced from an ACT perspective.

    2020, 2019, 2018, 2017

  • I facilitated a workshop on the MSc Forensic Psychology course which considered:

    The role of the victim in the justice system and Restorative Justice in the United Kingdom.

    2012, 2011, 2010

  • Faciliated a 4-hour Welfare Representative Training workshop which covered:

    The role of welfare rep

    Active listening and courageous conversations

    Student presentations and scenarios that include suicide prevention, eating disorders, sexual violence disclosures, crying and depression


    Referrals and signposting Resources

    Boundaries and emotional resilience

    24th of June 2023

  • Imposter Syndrome - 28th of March 2023

  • The Inspire Programme Website Link

    Coming to University: Change, Transitions and adjustment - Tuesday 14th of March 2023

  • Thinking about Change and Uncertainty - Friday 29th of January 2021

  • With Ester Hammond PhD Professor of Molecular Cancer Biology and Director of the Oxford-MRC DTP

    Resources available in Oxford to support wellbeing - Wednesday 28th of September 2021

    Mental Health and Adjustment to study at Oxford - Wednesday 30th of September 2020

  • The Counselling Service & The Peer Support Programme - Supporting Tutors to Support PG Mental Health - Wednesday 8th September 2021

  • Tim’s Greatest Hits: The Tour - Tuesday 15th of November 2022

    Imposter Syndrome & Examinations - Thursday 24th of February 2022

    Graduate Mental Health - Thursday 18th of November 2021

    Reframing Anxiety: Changing how we think and feel about anxious experiences - Thursday 11th of November 2021

    Emerging from COVID and Reconnecting - Thursday 28th of October 2021

    Imposter Syndrome: AKA to feel like a fake and do it anyway - Thursday 14th of October 2021

    Reframing Anxiety: Changing how we think and feel about anxious experiences - Monday 2nd of November 2020

    Imposter Syndrome - Monday 12th of October 2020

  • Imposter Syndrome - Monday 15th of February 2021

    Thinking about Change and Uncertainty - Monday 25th of January 2021

  • Diploma in Organisational Leadership

    Imposter Syndrome: AKA to feel like a fake and do it anyway - Friday 29th of October 2021

  • As part of a series of talks for Mental Health Week

    Men and Mental Health - Wednesday 17th of May 2023

    Imposter Syndrome - Tuesday 16th of May 2023

  • Imposter Syndrome and Exams - 2nd of May 2023

  • Graduate Mental Life: Extended Projects - Wednesday 22nd of February 2023

    Connecting the dots: A summary from the talks - Thursday 27th of May 2021

    Change and Uncertainty: Surviving difficult times and studying in an unusual year - Monday 3rd of May 2021

    Reframing Anxiety: Changing how we think and feel about anxious experiences - Monday 26th of April 2021

    How to work with your inner voice and increase self-confidence: Taming your inner saboteur as you study - Monday 19th of April 2021

  • Imposter Vibes: AKA To feel like a fake and do it anyway - Wednesday 26th of July 2023

    Graduate Mental Health: Work-Life Balance - Wednesday 20th of July 2022

    Imposter Syndrome - Monday 18th of July 2022

  • The International Peer Support Conference

    Peer Support for Postgraduate Students: Adapting Peer Support for the student lifespan - Monday 23rd of November 2020

  • Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 Panel Discussions

    “Discussing mental health in academia – breaking down the barriers” - Friday 14th of May 2021

    A panel discussion with a number of academics across the MPLS division to help normalise talking about mental health in academia. Primarily aimed at academics, research staff, and students, the panel will discuss past experiences of mental ill health throughout their academic journey and what they did to deal with this. They will also highlight the responsibility of supervisors and managers in protecting the mental health of their students and what strategies can be adopted – both for the supervisor and student – to help this.

    “Maintaining your own wellbeing while campaigning for change” - Wednesday 12th of May 2021

    This panel will discuss the impact that campaigning for change can have on your own wellbeing. Sharing some of their own experiences, the panel will provide useful tips and resources for how they protect their own wellbeing while actively campaigning for change.

  • and Chegg.Org

    "How Can Higher Education Address Its Mental Health Crisis?" - Wednesday 12th of May 2021

    Moderator: Chris Havergal, News Editor, Times Higher Education

    Michael Huey, Interim Chief Executive Officer, American College Health Association
    Tim Knowlson, Peer Support Programme Lead, University of Oxford
    Sari Lindblom, Rector, University of Helsinki
    Amílcar Sanatan, Steering Committee, Global Student Forum
    Shunta Takino, Junior Counsellor and Young Associate, OECD

  • With Common Ground Oxford

    Imposter Syndrome, Access and Psychological Impact at the University of Oxford - Thursday 25th of February 2021



Pembroke College, University of Oxford

  • “I found Tim to be fun and engaging as a lecturer. It was nice to be more involved in the lecture rather than just being talked at for 3 hours. Use of ‘roleplay’, group discussions was good and I felt more of an equal with Tim than other lecturers.”

    “Most engaging of the whole module. I felt the delivery was most engaging and continuous audience participation made it less death by PowerPoint.”

    “Very engaging. Good to have an emphasis on the victims too. Much of the course is offender-focused so this lecture gives a good balance.”

    “Engaging and interesting lecture. Thought provoking as never worked with victims before. Good dynamic and involved us in the lecture.”

    “Tim was hilarious – he had the whole class laughing the entire 3 hours. He incorporated humour into a sensitive topic perfectly. The topic was very interesting – I enjoyed his lecture.”

    “Funny guy. Enjoyed his presentation. Took time out to answer us and talk to us.”

    “Very interactive which made the class really enjoyable. Very good lecturer whose personality helped make the class good.”