PGR STEM students

Project managed a £60,000 project in collaboration with Office for Students and Research England with a focus on University of Oxford PGR students, especially PGRs from STEM subjects, to improve wellbeing and resilience in developing Peer Support communities. The project resulted in the successful recruitment of Peer Supporters from STEM and non-STEM subjects, a comprehensive literature review and a research report. Click here for more information.

Take 5

Initiated a successful bid to the University of Oxford IT Innovation Fund winning a £25,000 budget. Designed and project managed a mobile website dedicated to reducing exam panic for Oxford students and delivered a successful project which has gone live and is being used by students at, with over one thousand unique sessions and over two thousand page views; the project won an OxTalent Award 2017 (out of 87 entries) and I represented the Student Welfare and Support Services on the Innovation Fund interview panel.


Developed a project with Chinese student societies to help increase Peer Support amongst the Chinese student community by enhanced promotion and updated application forms to include key demographic data for monitoring and reporting purposes.


Scripted and recorded a podcast on overwork and self-care for Oxford students using student experiences, available from iTunes and University of Oxford podcast pages, and has been downloaded over 500 times. Can't Stop Work Podcast


Created a successful bid and received £3000 from the University of Oxford Innovation Fund to introduce new technology into the Peer Support Programme to help students find Peer Supporters, only 4 out of 22 staff projects were funded.

The Bod

Collaborated with The Bodleian Library and two college libraries to establish a fund purchasing 45 counselling e-books for the university population and networked to create a specific home for the collection resulting in a page on the Bodleian website and increase in student access to therapeutic self-help literature even when off-site. Click Here for More Information